
Psalms 113:3

Psalms 113:3 From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the lord is to be praised. I was called by God to be his hands and feet and share his word among the people of Haiti. In December of 2016 I went to Haiti for a month. I thought I was prepared for anything that God could throw my way. I was mistaken... About 2 weeks into my trip I got very sick. I could barley get up in the morning I was so sick. I began to get angry at God. Everyday I would wake up in pain. I didn't think it was fair at all. What had I done to deserve this? I went on this trip to share the word of God and now I can't even go out into the city to share his word. Because I had to stay close to the compound I began to visit one girl everyday. her name was abigail, she was 15 years old and pregnant. She spoke enough english to where we could communicate. She couldn't go out much either because people looked down on her. I knew she was hurting on the inside but she always seem